
Hi, everyone!

To Yukki's students,
Today must be the last class of 'Internet English.' I hope you enjoyed this class.
I've been happy studying with you all.

Some of you made great progress in English composition! Yukki is so proud of you all.
You are coming to like writing in English? I hope so.

Well, I'll get you a last assignment today. Don't worry, it's simple.

Give me your comment including;
① How was this class?
② What you want to do after finishing school.

That's it. Simple isn't it?
Oh, remember, when you write your comment, try to make your sentences longer!
Now, let's begin. Have fun.


22 件のコメント:

macoco さんのコメント...

hi yukki and poron

thanks you stand by me long time

I have enjoyed this class so much

poron you know miss yukki is a cute

teacher she is very kind of others

I feel free in the class.

Life Is like a Box of

Chocolates You Never Know What

You're Gonna Get finished school

I should be do something.Don`t

worry about me. I will come here

see you sometime.

BYE my friends :-)

syuu さんのコメント...

This class is very interest. I want to do after finishing school is will go to work in Japan's company or returns to Shanghai. Two elect one. I returns hadn't decided now.

hinoto さんのコメント...

First, thanks for all Yukki done for us.

1. I like the small group like this class: not too noisy but also not to boring. It let me recall the past in the university. We also had some classes like this, and I enjoyed the lessons. Then I like Yukki's lesson very much because she always let us
do something by ourselves, then give us some suggestions. In fact it is the best way to learn something if you really want to be good at it.

2. Maybe I will go to Austria to go on my study. I really like Austria but missed the good chance when I still in the university 4 years ago. My parents also said that they will support anything I decide to do. But before that, I want to travel in Japan and go to Canada for a while. Yes, I just want the rests.

kapinpin さんのコメント...

① How was this class?

For me, will not be arid using the computer study English, compared with easy to remember, therefore I thought that this curriculum will be interesting.

② What you want to do after finishing school.

After school graduation, I planned that does not enter a higher school, for own future, I wants to open one to belong to own company.

sou nana さんのコメント...

Hi,Yukki! How are you? It is already summer.
It gradually fitted it to write English by this class. I use the English site and it`s very convenient.It was studied.
I graduate from this school, and I want to enter a university. I want to study a little more for two years. And then maybe I return to China.
That's it.

liukan さんのコメント...

1.I have learned to study English on the Internet after this class. This class is very interesting. This class has brought great help to me .I have got much know ledge that I didn`t know before including vocabulary,grammar,kinds of skills,etc.Thank you for giving us the wonderful lesson. I'm very proud to be your pupil.
I want to return to China after finishing school. After returning to China, I looks for work which like.

edmun さんのコメント...

At first , thank you fou your teach . You konw , everyone of this class likes your teaching way . After all , it is pleasure to study Eglish or other with a sanguine . If you have time see that survey , you will find that all of this class gave you "best" .
in fact , your smile is a kind of help and encouragement for us . I hope you can contonue to keep your sminle in future .
Thank you sir .
Affter finishing this school , I think I will continue purse my studies . it may be a bad choice , most have choosed enter society , but I think it is right , I choose myself .
I put it in my heart that the time I studied Eglish with a smile teacher .
Tank you .

NIM さんのコメント...

I can't believe it's the last class already.
As I enjoyed this class, I written blog in English for the first time.
I'll attend academy of confectionery production after graduation.
Thank you for your teaching. I learned variety of grammar in this class.
See you next semester.

buuu さんのコメント...

I'm sorry that I had many absent and late.

I was learned many thinks by this class. For example, means of expressions, many funny site and way of using English.
I enjoyed this class, because I made a blog and I was learned many English.

I will work hard after finishing school.

Thank you for teaching.

rirakkuma さんのコメント...

I can enjoy this class very much. It was grate to take this class. Thank you for teaching me everything about English.

After the class, I'll go back home to have a lunch. After the school, I’ll go to super market. I haven’t decided menu yet. What do you want to eat for dinner tonight, poron?

As I could receive informal job offers in my town, I’m going to go back there. Although I want to live on my own, Parents told me to live in with family. I’m dithering now.

herry さんのコメント...

I found this class is very
interesting. All of the students are very kind,so as the teacher.
You know the most of the students are not interested in study,so as me. We just hope the class should be finished as soon as possible, then we can do something we want to do. On the other hand, we also can learn a lot of knowledge from the lesson, it helps you to imcrease your vocabulary,and to
improve your comprehension. SO I like this lesson.
What I hope to do after
finishing school is to find a job that makes the best of my ability.
I want to earn as much money as I can. Everyone knows money plays a very important role in our life, so we should do our best to get a large of money from now on, I think the first you shouldn't lost your confidence.

きゃん さんのコメント...

Hi poron!!
I saw ur pic!!ur sooooooo cute huh?! and u looks be hot or tired!! r u ok??

so,I enter the main subject.
this class was pretty good,I mean,in fact the beginning I thought that is boring.lol
but its gettinng interesting:)
because,Yukki taught us that many funny and be a good reference sites!! tahts was fan!! but it was too much assignment:( lol

then,when I finishing school,I gonna be house maker of my family.
and I want to be filial to one's parents until October.
then, I gonna marry.thats all!!

well, I have to say good bye :(
I might check ur blog sometime:)
because I wanna see ur pic more and more:D

It was good that I could watch your blog!!



humohumo さんのコメント...

Hi Poron.I'm yuka.

①This class was difficult for me but it made me interesting because I could read some article, see animation and make my blog.
As I can meet Poron, I like this class.

②I want to go shopping to play because I need to dissipate stress.If I don't dissipate stress,I will not able to do to work well.
As a result in the summer vacation,I must do part-time job.
However I must to do important thing.That's playing game.I have no clear games.If...If I can't finish it I should perform hara-kiri..........It's joke.
Anyway I want to have a peaceful life.

Aori さんのコメント...

Long time no see Poron. How is your summer vacation? So, I answer your questions.
Q1.How was this class?
A: My opinion was this class helps me to learn English every time. There were a lot of new words and grammars in this class that I took other class I used them sometime. That helped me when I stranded in other situations.
Q2. What you want to do after finishing school.
A: First of all, I work in a company and save a certain amount of money. 2nd, I want to trip around Japan on my foot because there are many places which I never seen. Finally, I get lot of experiences in the society (company too) and good relationships which I need.

kingbo さんのコメント...

I am gallad to study English with a good teacher , I like this class , and I think everyone likes this class . If I have chance to study something with you , it will be a pleasant . this class is nice , I reallt like it .
Finishing this school , I will go a universty to study ecnomic . or to find a job , I think either are fine . I will hard study or work .
At last , thank you very much .

匿名 さんのコメント...

Hi, Poron.
I thought that Poron is as cute as always.
It was so hot and sun was shining.
①How was this class?
I found this class is so
This class made me fun and happy.
I like this class and Ms.Watanabe lesson.
She lesson was so interested and easy understand for me.
②What you want to do after finishing school.
I think that I want to go school, because I want to be a nutritionist in the future.
Therefore I must to go school for gain certification as a nutritionist.
So, I’m looking for a new school now.
I think find a good school for me.

Thanks to you, I was spend good and happy time every class. Thank you so much.
I took your class next semester, I ‘m looking forward to seeing you next class.
I hope to you a enjoyable summer vacation!

アンジュ さんのコメント...

hello. I'm Eun-ju.

It has been an enjoyable lesson where I have learned very much.
You have explained kindly again to every student who doesn't understand.
I appreciate what you have done in this semester.

After I graduate from school,I will work for T-ZONE Holdings.

miro さんのコメント...

①Hi,Poron and Mrs.Watanabe!
I red your diary.
Today is the last class of "Internet Engrish"!! I agree with you!! I was so happy because I like this class, but I'm sorry that I was often absent your class. before this class began, i imargened that students work on their assignment using PCwithout comunicating. actually,once the class started, it was completely different from my imagination. Mrs.Watanage was so kind of students!! I am thanksfull for her.
Thank you for great teaching.

②I will join a company about financial circles after graduate.

barbie さんのコメント...

I feel sad because this class is last today.
Teacherly class makes me happy!
This class is very interesting!

After graduation, I will full member of society. I got a job before graduation. so I will be gung-ho career woman! and when payday, I'll want to buy on impluse bland item because the office is in Ginza^^*

I want to take teacher's class again.
Thank you very much for enjoyable class!

Ebinuma さんのコメント...

As I was not good speaking with person,
I was possible to concentration by this class.
Compared to before I can write English...
I want to be good at English more.

I want to make the PC when after finishing school.
But now I'm short of time. because I studying for exams.
I want to attend college. If I ateend college, I learn law.
And I deep learn criminology.My dream is to job concerning law.
And I want to many get paid.

barbie さんのコメント...

I feel sad because this class is last today.
Teacherly class makes me happy!
This class is very interesting!

After graduation, I will full member of society. I got a job before graduation. so I will be gung-ho career woman! and when payday, I'll want to buy on impluse bland item because the office is in Ginza^^*

I want to take teacher's class again.
Thank you very much for enjoyable class!

yuuuma さんのコメント...

①It was fun in this class, and It was beneficial class. I found your blog very interesting. Poron is so cute! His picture makes me happy everytime. I feel fortunate that taking this class.

②I want to become interior coordinator after finishing school.
I like to watch furniture, so I went to furniture shop. My dream is establish a interior shop.
As I become interior coordinator,I need to study more.