
Hi, everyone!

How was your weekend? I hope you spent happy time. Actually, I didn't....because Yukki left me and went out to horse riding again! Can you believe it?? I was quite furious to learn that she drove there leaving me!!
Just remembering about that makes me feel annoyed! Huh! That's why I've been making a long face on a sofa today.
Oh, Did you notice that I changed some colors in my blog? I clicked 'カスタマイズ,' and made some changes. It was fun! Why don't you try it?
By the way, Yukki told me to give you some kind of assignment today instead of her. It is my first time to give you school assignment, but this must be important work. well, I hope you like my assignment and enjoy studying. If you have some questions, ask Yukiko anytime. She seems to like you to ask her for help.

1. Write commets on MY blog, which means you give comments to what I wrote.
2. Open your blog and change some colors in your blog. Then, write about the food you like referring to the textbook.

Did you get it? Yukki would like to know about the food you like especially the local dishes of your country or district where you live.

I'm looking forward to your comments.


19 件のコメント:

poron さんのコメント...

Hi, Poron

You must have been so lonely by yourself on Saturday, but forgive her. She needs some time to relax sometime, you know.


hinoto さんのコメント...

What a pity~~~
But Poron you should know everyone need their personality time to do something or just be rest.
You are a lovely puppy, I think Yukki loves you, do not be sad, you are still immature, but you will be mature soon

Have a nice day
See you

edmun さんのコメント...

It is interesting. :) I think her want to have a boy friend or wants to have a rest. Hahah, it's a joke, but you can try to consider, perhaps is's a good idea. And sometimes ,to change colours help us change own mood.Thanks for your advice.

Aori さんのコメント...

Long time no see Poron. I’m sorry to know that you couldn’t go out with Yukki. But I found the reason is Yukki don’t want to wet you with rain. Don’t mind Poron, when the weather change rain to fine you can go out with her.

syuu さんのコメント...

Hi,Poron! Good morning!
A person in home, very pitiful. Self-entertainment from happy. Refuel!

buuu さんのコメント...

Oh, that's too bad, but I think Yukki loves you.
Don't be feel blue.

kingbo さんのコメント...

hi i haven't a good time.because i did parttime on Saturday and Sunday.i saw your blog and i know Yukki is your dog.i thinked Yukki is people.i am so sorry.

liukan さんのコメント...

Hi,Poron.You are very poor.You are very lovely.Everyone will see you like you.When Yukki left you,you could play with othen dog.

sou nana さんのコメント...

The dog is very lovey. I like it.
I think Yuukki happied on Saturday.
Let's take the dog together sometimes. By the way, I like green that changed colors.

kapinpin さんのコメント...

Hello! looked at your blog to change the skin color, this was a good idea, sometimes occasionally changed some matters, perhaps could bring the curiosity and the luck for oneself. Yukki is interesting, lovable. Wishes you to be happy!

kyan さんのコメント...

Hi poron,I read your blog and then you must be felt so lonely.
I know exactly how you are feeling.cuz my love always working even weekend.
I feel lonely without him now,but we should be patient!!
I think Yukki needs chill time:)
maybe you should find another way to play,and should be bood lady,then yukki gonna be mare plsy wiz you !!
keep ur fingers crossed!!


humohumo さんのコメント...


I think my dog thinks same as you did because she always was left alone.
By the time,she is in a fit of the sulks.

If you meet her please become friend.
By the way she likes cool boy.


rirakkuma さんのコメント...

I stayed at my house this weekend, as you did. I studyed English to TOEIC on next Sunday. When I took a break, I listened the my favorite music, drunk hot coffee, read the magazine. It was very happy time, because I was so busy that I couldn't do these.

I study English more harder.
Please teach me a variety of how to study English.

I do my best!!!!!!

匿名 さんのコメント...

Good morning, Poron
I had a great weekend with my friends. But you didn’t seem like me.
I saw your photo in your blog , I feel your pouty face is so cute!
Your blog made me happy and want to meet a my lovely cat in my home.

herry さんのコメント...

You are getting more childish than ever,you haven't grown up yet I thought.Everyone should have the right to do something she or he wants, so as the dog,don't you think so? she is a dog after all,she needs her own partners.Why don't you try to give her free to do what she likes.Human being's moody shouldn't decided by the pet,if so,you will tire easily.
you said that you are annoyed by her,so I think it's the time for you to look for the lifelong
partners now.Don't be angry!

yuuuma さんのコメント...

Recentory,I want to have a dog.because I'm single life, I come back home, then dog or cat said "welcom home" and run up me,
It makes me happy things.
I want alike Poron dog.

アンジュ さんのコメント...

Thank you for your teaching during this class.
I really enjoyed attending your class, and I started to get over my fear to English.
I learned a lot from you :)

p.s/ poron is very cute!!!!

NIM さんのコメント...

Hello, Poron.
I found today's diary very interesting.
I'm amazed to this diary because I didn't know she can ride horse.
I find she person of many abilities.

I can ride only car.
I wish I could ride horse too.

Good bye.

Ebinuma さんのコメント...

Don't be upset.
Next weekend, I think good day for you.
But next sunday, rainy…….

‥‥( ̄▼ ̄|||)