
Hi, everyone!

To Yukki's students,
Today must be the last class of 'Internet English.' I hope you enjoyed this class.
I've been happy studying with you all.

Some of you made great progress in English composition! Yukki is so proud of you all.
You are coming to like writing in English? I hope so.

Well, I'll get you a last assignment today. Don't worry, it's simple.

Give me your comment including;
① How was this class?
② What you want to do after finishing school.

That's it. Simple isn't it?
Oh, remember, when you write your comment, try to make your sentences longer!
Now, let's begin. Have fun.



Hi, everyone!

How was your weekend? I hope you spent happy time. Actually, I didn't....because Yukki left me and went out to horse riding again! Can you believe it?? I was quite furious to learn that she drove there leaving me!!
Just remembering about that makes me feel annoyed! Huh! That's why I've been making a long face on a sofa today.
Oh, Did you notice that I changed some colors in my blog? I clicked 'カスタマイズ,' and made some changes. It was fun! Why don't you try it?
By the way, Yukki told me to give you some kind of assignment today instead of her. It is my first time to give you school assignment, but this must be important work. well, I hope you like my assignment and enjoy studying. If you have some questions, ask Yukiko anytime. She seems to like you to ask her for help.

1. Write commets on MY blog, which means you give comments to what I wrote.
2. Open your blog and change some colors in your blog. Then, write about the food you like referring to the textbook.

Did you get it? Yukki would like to know about the food you like especially the local dishes of your country or district where you live.

I'm looking forward to your comments.



Poron's Diary

Hello, everyone! Long time no see! How have you been?

Yukki told me that you (Yukki's students) e-mailed her nice cards.
She seems to have been happy with your cards.
You made those cards in class, right? Was it fun? Why don't you send your friends card sometimes. They'll sure like it.

Now, you must be writing comments to me today, I heard.
I'm looking forward to reading your comments.
Make use of all the expressions you learned so far!

If you have question, please raise your hand and ask Yukki.

See you.



Poron's diary

Hello again!

What a fine day today!
I want to go out but Yukki is out for work now.

I have no choice but to slob around....I'm going back to Yukki's bed.

See you!



Good morning, everyone!

How are you doing today?
It's a nice day isn't it?

Now, you must be in class..... Follow Yukki's instruction!
I hope you can enjoy this class!

Please read other pages that I wrote yesterday and some days ago.



Poron's Diary

Hello, everyone.
I heard from Yukki that all of the OOO college students visited my site.
Thanks! I'm happy to hear that.
By the way, what do you think of me? How do I look?
I want to know how you feel toward me.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!



Poron's Diary

Hello! Long time no see. I know I've been missed.

It's getting warm. It had been raining for about 2 days, though.
It must be a good day to walk outside, but Yukki doesn't walk me out.
What a pity! She seems to be working so....it can't be helped.

What? I just happened to hear that she was going to take me to the vet again to have vaccination! Noooooooo. I don't wanna have injection any more! Oh, I'll hide myself in the blanket. So anybody, please do not let her know I'm in a blanket, OK?

See you soon.
